Saturday, May 26, 2012

30 helpful Android development Tips/Tricks

30 helpful Android development Tips/Tricks

Hello All,

  1. #AndroidDev #AndroidTip: To resolve this issue “Failed to install *.apk on device timeout Launch canceled! , increase ADB connection timeout
  2. #AndroidDev #AndroidTip: use setError() to display error message for your EditText
  3. #AndroidDev #AndroidTip => To Block the default animation for startActivity() For ex: myIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION);
  4. #AndroidDev #AndroidTip: Android Action Bar Style Generator
  5. #AndroidDev #AndroidTip create library with reusable code and reference it in future projects.
  6. #AndroidDev #Tip #PureAndroid Don’t use right-pointing carets on line items
  7. #AndroidTip #AndroidDev 10 amazing Android development tips
  8. #AndroidDev #Tips => Define these attributes for displaying multiline EditText => android:singleLine=”false”, android:lines=”5″
  9. #AndroidDev #Tip => Follow Dashboard design pattern. Easy to implement and handle Navigation.
  10. #AndroidDev #Tip – Before starting with android app development, should read Android Building Blocks
  11. #AndroidDev #Tip => You can create your custom views by extending View class.
  12. #AndroidDev #Tip use android:weight=”1″ and android:layout_width=”0″ to define equal width of widgets inside LinearLayout.
  13. #AndroidDev #Tip => With Android 4.0 you cant use http connection or make web call without using a Thread (with a runnable, AsyncTask )
  14. #AndroidDev #Tips: Tutorial , Tips/Trick for Android
  15. AndroidDev #Java #Tip What should be the package name of android app?
  16. #AndroidDev #Tip: GraphView Library for Android to programmatically create flexible and nice-looking diagramms
  17. #AndroidDev #Tip => how to limit seekbar
  18. #AndroidDev: Do you know? => Android: maximum length of url
  19. #AndroidDev #Tips => RT @piyushnp How To Create a Android App With ICS UI That Works With Gingerbread and Froyo?
  20. #AndroidDev #Tip – Switch widget is available from API 14
  21. #AndroidDev #Tip – How to design tab icons?
  22. #AndroidDev rating bar padding problem
  23. #AndroidDev Anyone ever seen this exception when loading bitmaps in Android?… #BitmapVMSizeExceed
  24. #AndroidDev #Tip : To capture screen shot from real android device, simply Press Home button + Back key
  25. #AndroidDev #Tip : use android:installLocation=”auto” to enable move to SD-card feature for Android app
  26. #AndroidDev #Tip : Use SimpleDateFormat class to change format of date/time.
  27. #AndroidDev #Tip: How to view the SQLite database on your Android Emulator
  28. #AndroidDev #Tip: you can check the status of AsyncTask by using getStatus() method, or like AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED
  29. #Android tip: Stop developing countdown algorithms, use the built-in CountDownTimer ( #android #androiddev
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